Service Record

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ODST Drops Today!!

And guess who can't play it!!! Yeah, so today is the day that the most anticipated game since Halo 3 comes out, Halo 3: Recon ODST. New campaign, firefight, new multiplayer maps, yeah things you already knew for a while. But as you may or may not know I'm currently at school without an xbox to keep me company, and a copy of the game being shipped to my house, waiting for me to play it. Alas, but at least when thanksgiving comes around I'll be able to get my hands on it, so can't wait for that. So to all of you who are at home playing the game instead of reading this, just enjoy it cause you don't know how lucky you are.

At least I'm getting my education so I can't complain, it's just those nights when I'm bored that I wish I could be shooting up some aliens ODST style. Just holding on, I know I can make it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

After all this time...

Well, I really haven't posted anything on this blog since that school assignment at the beginning of the year. Now that it's finished with and all, I actually forgot all about my blog since I had no obligations to use it. I recently started university and I'm down to work studying and all that fun stuff, with no Xbox to distract me. But it gets boring when you have all of your work done and no where to be, so I guess I just jumped on this and thought it might be fun to start writing again (although I have no idea if or when anyone will read this... oh well). I do plan on eventually playing some Xbox while I'm here a little later, and ODST is coming out very soon! Looks awesome, have to wait to play it... you know how it is. But I thought you know, when I'm not playing ODST and have nothing to do, why not try playing some ranked games on Halo 3? Actually make an attempt to rank up and shit. I don't have much to lose as long as I play on my free time, so why not, and while I do so, I can chronicle my progress through this blog. So now I have a bit of a project to work for when I'm not busy and this blog will have some practical use (well, to me anyway). Anyway, enough of my rambling, since I haven't played Halo seriously in a while I'll show you a video that has a clip that might seem familiar (There is some strong language in it, I didn't make this video, I just have a clip in it that's mine):

Friday, January 16, 2009

Running Riot / Perfection

Alright, I finally got my video up on the internet and ready to view. So here's one of my running riot videos. It may be in pretty bad resolution, but its still viewable. Keep in mind that I hid at the end because during the game we all decided that one of us had to get a perfection against these guys.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Top 10 Series... Continued

Yeah, so just a follow-up on that top 10 series clip I submitted. I just watched the season 3 finale top 10 video where they take the top 10 clips of that season, and I was pleasently surprised to see that my clip made this one too. So here it is if you want to see where I ranked (I honestly didn't think it would make it in this video)

At Long Last

Tonight will be the first time in a while that I can sit down and play Halo 3. I have been waiting for this for a while, what with school work and work getting in the way (ironically I need to play for school, for this blog is a school assignment and I need things to post about). So yeah, definitely going to do that tonight and hopefully have some stories to tell.

Another thing I'll be able to do is get a video or two posted. In an attempt to keep with the theme of the blog (well, it's name anyway), I decided that I should post some videos of me playing and getting running riot's (and perfections). I think I'll also take some more cool screenshots because, that's the way I roll. So, by tomorrow morning I'll definitely have some interesting (well, if your into Halo I guess) content to view, so just hang in there.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well, I wanted to post a video of me playing Halo involving a Running Riot medal (15 kills in a row without dying), and most likely a Perfection, but I haven't actually had the time to upload it, so that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Until then, I might as well post some cool pictures I've taken using the theatre mode on Halo 3. And here they are:

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Weekend

Really didn't get to play much Halo over the weekend, had to work a midnight shift on Friday night and an afternoon shift on Sunday. Played a bit on Friday night before work, the first was a Grifball game with some random people because my friends were all in games at the time. One guy on our team left so it was 3 on 4 but it didn't matter because the other two were machines at Grifball. I didn't do that bad either, seeing as I got a killtacular (5 kills in a row) before dying, I thought it might make it as a top medal but one of the others got a killtastrophe (8 kills in a row) and an extermination, and the other got a killing frenzy. But it didn't matter because we shut the other team out 5 - 0, despite having one less player on our team.

So then I started playing with my friends and we played some multi-team which (to my one friends displeasure) ended up with everyone being paired with the same person each game. We did 3 of those, which me and my partner won 2 of, and then we proceeded to own some punks on squad battle. Played like, 4 more games at my friends house on Sataurday, but they were pretty uneventful.

So yeah, not an awful lot happened in terms of Halo this weekend, but maybe I'll have more to talk about it when I have a little more time on my hands to, you know, play the freaking game. Anyway, until next time.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Top 10 Series

So, a while back I decided to submit a video into a website that reviews and lists the top 10 video clips of a specific theme on Halo (i.e. Snipes, Sticks, Splatters, etc.). You can watch this series on Youtube and they have a new theme each time. This theme was about suicides (in the game, obviously) and the most embarassing moments in Halo. So, since I had been meaning to submit a video in, I finally had one I thought would be worthy, so I submitted it. Now the episode has come out, and I was happy to find out that my video made it! To find out where, just watch below:


Hi, I'm Chris, my Xbox 360 gamertag is Trigger177 and I really enjoy playing Halo, which, conveniently enough, is what my blog is all about. Basically I'll be talking about stuff related to myself and my adventures (or misadventures) in Halo 3. So watch out for later posts regarding what I have done lately in Halo.